Upcycling represents a variety of processes by which “old” products get to be modified and get a second life as they are, turned into a new product. Thanks to the mix and aggregation of used materials, components and items, the result is a “new product” with more value than the original value of the sum of all its components.
In simple words, cycling is the advanced form of recycling where the new product has more value than the original product. The purpose of upcycling is reducing waste and improving the efficiency of resource use.
Few examples of up cycling are: ( https://whatis.techtarget.com/definition/upcycling ) ( https://youmatter.world/en/definition/upcycling/ )
Upcycle in fashion:
As we all know that the fashion industry is the second-largest polluter and uses plenty of water and other resources which causes severe environmental damage, therefore, up-cycling plays a very vital role in this industry. These clothes are up-cycled and which gives it a new look and a better value.
Upcycling Furniture:
The old, broken, wasted furniture is up-cycled. The broken chair, can be made into a table or a cabinet can be upcycled to can be used as home decors.
– The buildings which are constructed, from materials are salvaged from a dump or shipping containers.
– A laptop case which is made, from fused plastic bags.
– A sculpture which is constructed from junkyard finds.
– Jewellery which is fashioned and designed from old computer parts.
– An attractive bench made from wooden pallets.
Upcycling VS Recycling
And there are many more that we could keep adding on to the list.
Whenever we talk about upcycling, people tend to confuse it with recycling. There is a vital difference between upcycling and recycling.
Recycling is the ‘action or process’ of converting waste into reusable material. Example: Plastic bottles are, melted down to make other plastic products.
On the other hand, when you compare recycling to upcycling is that when you upcycle something, you are catching the item before it enters the waste system whether that is landfill or recycling. So in other words you are taking it ‘up’ out of the waste ‘cycle’.
Hence, upcycling saves energy and cost to society and doesn’t break down the molecular properties of the original item.
There are a few advantages and disadvantages of upcycling.
The following are the advantages:
– Financial Advantages of Upcycling:
Upcycling helps in saving money. Instead of buying you can recycle a product to fit your need.
– Economic Advantages of Upcycling:
From a governmental perspective, they can save money from the process of recycling and environmental landfill costs etc. and use that money to invest in the education system, manufacturing sectors thereby promoting long term GDP (output) growth.
– Environmental Advantages of Upcycling:
Environmental advantages are the vital benefits that come with upcycling. Reducing landfill waste sites, lessening the demand for natural resources as well as the factor there will be fewer chemicals being emitted & released into the earth’s atmosphere (due to now manufacturing ‘less’ new goods).
– Educational, Spiritual & Creative Advantages of Upcycling:
On a more individual level, through the process of upcycling products, there is an obvious educational (DIY practical) & creative process as well as a spiritual one — knowing that you are benefiting the environment and ‘saving the world’.
Disadvantages of Upcycling
Economic Disadvantages of Upcycling:
The market may be, impacted given that there won’t be as much demand in the retail and manufacturing sector, as people aren’t now buying as many ‘new goods’.
Environmental Disadvantages of Upcycling:
The only real way upcycling could be harmful to the environment is that it could now contain waste chemicals. Before someone committed to the upcycle of materials/product, they would have known this beforehand.
Upcycling is growing, and people love the outcome.
Let us upcycle.